Monday, March 10, 2025

Dermatologists top tips for How to cure “dry skin” in winter ?


How to cure “dry skin” in winter : Causes, symptoms and tips to treat your dry skin

Nowadays almost everybody is facing some changes in the skin. Harsh and Cold climate makes you skin dry rough and itchy. Severe dry skin may crack and bleed as well. Although it has become a common issue for all. So we have to give extra care to our skin.

Dry skin is very common. The medical term for dry skin is xeroderma. You can treat dry skin at home by using moisturizers. Talk to a dermatologist if you have dry skin that doesn’t go away or keeps returning


Symptoms of dry skin :-

➡️Tightening in skin specially after bathing.
➡️Cracks in the skin
➡️Itchy skin
➡️Fine lines in the skin
➡️Skin infection
➡️Peeling skin
➡️Redness in skin

Causes of dry skin:-

➡️ Harsh soaps and chemicals :-Use of harsh chemical cosmetics and harsh soaps and detergent removes moisture from your skin and make your skin dry.

➡️ Cold weather :- Living in cold and windy environment also dry your skin

➡️ Bathing more than once a day:- Too much bathing removes natural oil from your skin and this is the main reason of all skin problems because natural oil is very beneficial for our skin

➡️ Aging . As people age, the skin thins and produces less of the oils needed for the skin to retain water.

➡️ Smoking : Smoking also a reason of dry skin because cigarettes contain harmful chemicals that speed up how quickly your skin ages and becomes dry.

➡️ Unbalanced skin pH

➡️Tips or treatment of dry skin

➡️ Use of thicker moisturizer Moisturizing daily can prevent your skin from drying. A person can apply moisturizer to their face before bed and wash it off with a gentle cleanser in the morning.

➡️ Drink enough water :- Drinking plenty of water is very beneficial for all skin problems and diseases everyd. You have to drink atkeast 7-8 glasses of water everyday.
➡️ Use petroleum jelly :- petroleum jelly contains petroleum based minerals and oils which is very beneficial for our skin. Regular use of petroleum jelly prevent your dry skin

➡️ Aloe vera :-

aloe vera
aloe vera

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce blemishes and wrinkles and makes our skin healthier.

➡️ Use of lukewarm water :- don’t use too hot water for bathing. Bath from water is helpful in prevention of dry skin

➡️ Coconut oil: A good massage from coconut oil before bed and leave it on overnight. The next morning, wash it off with lukewarm water.

➡️ Jajoba oil :- Massage the jojoba oil into your skin using gentle, circular motions and then wipeoff from the cloth.

➡️ Rosewater :-

rose water
rose water

Rosewater moisturizes and refreshes your skin. Use rosewater as a cleanser help for all skin related problems.

➡️ Turmeric :- Turmeric helps improve the overall health of your skin. It containts anti-aging, anti bacterial and wound-healing properties. Take 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon raw honey
1 teaspoon of yogurt mix it and make a smooth paste.
Apply the face pack and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with cold water.

➡️ Use buttermilk :- butter milk contains lactic acid which moisturize your skin and keep your skin hydrated all the time.

Vitamins beneficial for dry skin :

➡️ vitamin D
➡️Vitamin A
➡️ Iron
You have to take this vitamins in a proper manner to get rid off dry skin.

You can also follow simple home remedies listed above to prevent your skin from drying. But still if you feel it is becoming too dry, painful, redness, swelling, or any kind of bacterial infection then you have to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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