Monday, February 24, 2025

Some facts about periods : Do’s and Don’ts during periods!


Some facts about periods- Do’s and Don’ts during periods:

Menstruation  is one of the important and essential processes of a woman’s body that deserves utmost self-care. Most girls begin menstruating during puberty, i.e., the phase when children undergo several physical and emotional changes as their body transitions from a child to that of a young adult.

In each menstrual cycle, an egg develops in one of your ovaries. When the egg is ready, it is released from the ovary — this is known as ovulation. At this stage it can be fertilised by sperm and develop into a pregnancy. While this is happening, the lining of your uterus becomes thicker, getting ready in case of pregnancy.21 Facts About Your Period You Should Know | Blog | HUDA BEAUTY

The menstruation cycle is not a problem for a woman. However, a menstruation cycle can create a hectic week for a woman due to its awful cramps, uncontrollable mood swings, and bloating. Due to these unpleasant situations during periods, women cannot concentrate on their daily curriculum. It is possible that women can experience comfortable and cramp-free periods.Women need to follow these do’s and don’ts during the menstruation cycle that are listed below:The Do's and Don'ts During Your Menstrual Period – SuperJennie


1. Take shower twice a day-Importance Of Bathing During Menstrual Cycle | Onlymyhealth

Take a shower at least twice a day. This can help you to keep yourself clean, stay fresh, get rid of that unpleasant odour down there, and prevent infections.Bathing not only cleanses your body but also gives you a chance to clean your private parts well. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps, backaches, helps improve your mood and makes you feel less bloated. To get some relief from backaches and menstrual cramps, just stand under a shower of warm water that is targeted towards your back or abdomen. You will feel much better at the end of it.

2. Speak about your flow-Flow with Cycle Chats — BloodStream Media

During the menstruation cycle, women face a lot of problems. But due to the stigma about periods in society, women feel shy to talk about periods. It’s difficult to understand why women are afraid to be period proud. If women are pressured not to talk about periods, their problems will be kept silent, which will lead to an unhygienic menstruation cycle. There is an immediate need to change the misconception about the period to talk openly about their flow like a normal bodily function.

3. Have lot of veggies in your diet-Healthiest Foods to Eat During Period and Monthly Cycle

A menstruating woman should avoid having fast foods, fatty meals, dairy products, and fried foods during periods. Instead, she can have fruits, fruit juices, soups, and lots of green leafy vegetables during periods. Having healthy and nutrition-rich food helps to feel energetic, and having fruit juices will make you feel refreshed. Avoid eating pickles because it may increase the period cramps.

4. Always ready with a kit-It is always beneficial to be ready beforehand with all the necessary supplies that you would require. Carrying a multi-purpose pouch containing intimate care kits will surely serve the need of the hour for ultimate comfort and convenience.

5. Stay away from stress-Zodiac special: How stressed is your sign? | The Times of India

Remember to take care of your mental health to ease up the process of taking care of your body. Practice stress-busting and mood-boosting methods such as therapy, meditation, and consumption of comfort foods for peace of mind.



1. Avoid painkillers-Should you take painkillers during periods? THIS is what doctors say about painful MENSTRUAL CRAMPS | Health News | Zee NewsTry to avoid severe painkillers as they can cause nausea, headache, and drowsiness for some women. There are end number of home remedies to keep period cramps at bay. Prolonged use of ibuprofen/paracetamol may cause serious side effects such as bleeding disorders and damage to the liver.

2. Say no to intimate washes-Is it safe to use feminine wash during periods? Let's know from an expert | HealthShotsThe vagina is self-cleaning and a good wash with clean water is sufficient to keep it clean and hygienic. Your vagina and the area around it are sensitive and methods such as douching, using products with fragrance, and scrubbing will damage it putting it at risk of developing infections and other conditions.

4. Avoid junk food and chipsFoods to Avoid During Your PeriodLots of women may especially crave high-fat, high-sugar snacks during their period. While they may taste great and be comforting, they likely won’t make you feel better after you eat them. Processed and packaged food is high in sodium content that can lead to water retention and bloating.

5. Don’t do waxingCan You Get a Brazilian Wax On Your Period?

Skin becomes sensitive during periods, so it is recommended that women not practice waxing during periods as it will create rashes and leaves their skin rough.  For instance, dry skin is typical starting on the fifth day of the cycle. Additionally, the skin becomes more sensitive to pain and environmental factors as prostaglandin levels rise. It’s best to avoid Brazilian waxes during menstruation to avoid an especially painful, uncomfortable experience, even though some women can handle the added pain of hair removal waxing during that time of the month.

Facts About Periods:

10 Interesting Facts About Periods Around The World – SuperJennie

1.  You will spend nearly 10 years of your life on your period
From the time of her first.

2. During the winter months, a woman’s flow, period duration, and even pain level are longer than the summer. This pattern also extends to women who live in colder climates rather than warmer temperature.Period Pain and Age: Periods in Your 20s, 30s and 40s | Always Egypt3. From the time of her first cycle to menopause, the average American woman will have around 450 periods in her lifetime. That’s a lot of periods.

4. You could go through up to 15,000 period products in your lifetime. During those 450 periods, the average woman uses between 12,000 and 15,000 pads, tampons, and panty liners.

5. Orgasms can make your cramps feel better. During your period, uterine contractions caused by an orgasm can release pain-fighting neurotransmitters, like endorphins and oxytocin.Orgasms And Periods - All You Need To Know | orgasms, orgasms & periods, period and more | Pee Safe Blogs blog

6. Most women have period stains in every pair of underwear. Fifty-four percent of 36,000 women surveyed by THINX said they ruined every pair of underwear they owned due to their period.Top 5 Easiest Ways to Remove Period Blood Stains

7. The sound of your voice changes during your period. Vocalization researchers theorize that female reproductive hormones actually impact your vocal chords, altering your voice.

8. Generally, the age at which women start their period is becoming younger and younger. A century ago, the average starting age for periods was 16 but now the average is 12 years old and it’s not uncommon for girls as young as 8 years old to start puberty too.This is thought to be due to a number of factors such as better overall health and diet. However, other things such as stress, being overweight and climate can all influence the age at which girls start puberty.

9. Many people assume that you cannot get pregnant if you have sex while on your period. However, this is not true. Although it’s more unlikely that you will become pregnant while you are menstruating, it is not impossible at all. This is because sperm can survive in the body for up to five or six days — so if you have a relatively short cycle, have sex towards the end of your period, and ovulate just after your period finishes, you could potentially fall pregnant.How to Have Great Sex on Your Period

10. You should need to use less than seven saturated regular pads or tampons per day. If a girl uses overnight or super products, she should use less than four saturated products.

Periods can be a big mess sometimes, and so, it is the need of the hour to stick to good hygiene practices during menstruation.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice. 

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