Sunday, March 9, 2025

Another outbreak after COVID-19 in China !


After COVID-19 in China:

In China there are many cases reported of respiratory illness and pneumonia in the children’s. The reason of this is unexplained but if the cases arises then the situation is alarming. On 13 November 2023, the National Health Commission of the China held a press conference in which they have given the statement to the media that the cases of respiratory illness is increasing .

They also said that the disease is spreading because the COVID-19 restrictions has been removed and now people are meeting to each other, due to which pathogens, influenza is circulating which results the spread of this new disease that is affecting the children.

Three years back at the same time Covid came in the world from the China which has also symptoms like pneumonia which later results one of biggest pandemic faced by the world.A mysterious pneumonia outbreak in northern China since mid-October is causing global concern, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

WHO’s reaction over the new disease:-

The World Health  Organization (WHO) has asked the China for the details related to this disease as it is a matter of serious concern because corona like pandemic was also came from China. The disease is spreading in the Northern-China in the childrens as the hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning are full of childrens who are suffering from the respiratory illness and undiagnosed pneumonia.

WHO’s update over new disease

The World Health  Organization also issued some guidelines to the citizens of China such as to use masks, maintain distance from each other who are ill, keep washing your hands, those who are ill should stay at home, take vaccination.

WHO’s update over new disease

This new outbreak in China, a big threat to the world:-

World Health  Organization (WHO) is considering this new outbreak as a big threat. Because last time in 2019 there was also a virus came named corona which has ruin the almost world. The virus taken the lives of people, affected the economy of the nation made the life of people miserable, as the virus forced the nations for the complete lockdown.

For the wide spread of corona, China was held responsible for this as the corona virus was originated in China. Now again this new disease is originating in China which became a matter of concern. World Health  Organization issued the following guidelines to be away from the disease as the disease take a serious form as of corona virus as the WHO do not want the world to face again those serious consequences which was earlier faced due to corona virus.

World Health  Organization (WHO):-

World Health  Organization(WHO) is an agency of United Nation (UN) which was established in 1948. The headquarter of the World Health  Organization is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The governing body of the  Organization is World Health Assembly (WHA) and the current head of the WHO is ‘Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ and has the 194 members states.

The World Health  Organization aims to promote health and safety to the people of world and to help the vulnerable. The  Organization has done his job very well as it helped in the eradication of polio, smallpox etc. The World Health  Organization Day is celebrated at the 7th April every year and the theme of this year is ‘Health for All’.

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