Monday, March 10, 2025

Sudden deaths of young adults ,due to Covid vaccine !




Recently, the cases of sudden deaths of young adults reported but the reason of their death is unknown. According to reports it is said that the Covid vaccine is linked with the sudden deaths of young ones. The experts of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) conducted research of these sudden deaths. According to ICMR Research team Covid vaccine is not responsible of these sudden deaths.

According to the Researchers the reason behind these sudden deaths may be the smoking, alcohol, family history of sudden death. The deaths occurred to the age group of 18 years of age to the 45 years of age from the 1 October 2021 to 31March 2023. The sudden deaths occurred first in the anecdotal reports due to which Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) later conducted the study.

The study says that Covid vaccine cannot be responsible for sudden death as the vaccine decrease the risk of sudden death. There are so many also accused that due to Corona Vaccine people are getting heart attack or cardiac arrest.

About Corona Vaccine:-

The COVID‑19 vaccines are widely credited for their role in reducing the spread of COVID‑19 and reducing the severity and death caused by COVID‑19 .In India there are two Vaccines which were developed. First one was Covishield vaccine which developed by the Serum Institute of India based on Pune in the collaboration with the UK based Oxford University.

By developing the covishield vaccine Serum Institute became one of the biggest market to produce vaccine. On the another side Hyderabad based Bharat Biotech also developed a Corona Vaccine named as COVAXIN which was the first indigenous vaccine developed in India in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The two Vaccines developed in India which made the India biggest market of vaccine and the biggest producer of vaccination to the world.

About the Indian Council of Medical Research:-

Indian Council of Medical Research was established by the government of India in 1911 by the Sir Harcourt Butler which is based on New Delhi. Earlier it was established as Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) but later known as Indian Council of Medical Research in 1949. It was developed by the Ministry of Health and Family Research.

Many health diseases are researched by the this Institute and the specific diseases are Leprosy, cholera, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria etc. Basically it is the Supreme body in India which regulates the formulation, promotion and coordination of biomedical research. A initiative named ‘RESEARCH’ was launched by the Indian Council of Medical Research in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and ten nations in 2019.

Reason of concern:-

The people of age group of 18-45 were hostipilised in which some of them died suddenly where the reason of sudden death is unexplained. Cardiac arrest can be a reason of sudden death but nothing is clear which is raising the concern.

There are many people also saying that due to vaccination people are dying but doctors did not clarified that peopledied due to vaccine. Many people are Corona vaccinated and if somehow the vaccination is the reason of death than it is a serious problem which is need to be solved immediately.

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